See the 12-page pitch deck that landed legal-tech startup CourtCorrect nearly $3 million in seed funding

Ludwig Bull, CEO and founder of CourtCorrect

  • Online dispute resolution startup CourtCorrect raised $2.95 million in seed round funding.
  • The London-based company wants to build an AI-powered tool to help increase access to justice.
  • Its CEO and founder walked Insider through its pitch deck and visions for growth.

Introduce the company


CourtCorrect, which helps individuals and businesses submit and manage civil cases, snapped up $2.95 million (£2.2 million) in seed round funding in November.

Founded in 2019 in London, the legal-tech startup brings together claimants, defendants, lawyers, and judges into a single platform, where they can bring cases and reach resolutions without having to go to court.

Investors included RLC Ventures, Ascension Ventures (UK), and The Twenty Minute VC. Visionaries Club and other angel investors also participated in the round.

The public-facing version of this pitch deck excludes confidential financial information and customer logos.

Identify the problem


CourtCorrect’s raison d’être is to tackle a lack of access to justice.

“The problem is people accessing legal services that lawyers provide and accessing the legal system, which includes tribunals and the court system,” Ludwig Bull, the startup’s CEO and founder, said. “The major issues are money, complexity, and education.”

Bull pulled in stats from the UK and a United Nations report to underscore both the local and global nature of the problem.

Introduce CourtCorrect’s solution


CourtCorrect launched the first iteration of their online legal platform in January this year. The platform is built to handle high-volume civil cases with claim values of up to £1 million (US $1.3 million), like insurance claims, personal injury claims, and disputes with airlines, electricity, and gas companies.

“It’s where access to justice is lacking the most, and where people associate justice in their everyday lives,” Bull said.

CourtCorrect’s platform is scalable for two primary reasons, according to Bull: First, it’s a one-stop-shop with a user-friendly platform, making the delivery of legal services cheaper and faster.

Second, the startup’s AI technology streamlines the dispute process. Users can label cases by their complexity and type, adding to a database that trains the AI system to eventually make predictions on the outcome of a case.

Describe the product


CourtCorrect combines email, word processing, calendars, and internal databases into a single dashboard, which is customizable according to a business’s needs. Users can send out emails, prefill templates, and request payment information with a click of a button.

The startup’s core customer base are parties that are commonly involved in disputes, including insurance companies, law firms, courts, universities, and startups. CourtCorrect has a pipeline of new customers ten times the size of the current active customer base, which is already “not insignificant and includes big companies,” according to Bull. 

“We’re industry-agnostic, so the number of verticals this can go into is crazy,” Bull said.

Individual consumers can also submit claims onto the platform, free of charge, to launch a dispute resolution process. So far, CourtCorrect has received thousands of cases and helped consumers get their private data removed and receive millions of pounds of compensation, according to Bull.

Map out the revenue model


While CourtCorrect is free to individual consumers, it generates revenue through subscriptions for businesses. The business model has been successful so far: There’s been zero churn, according to Bull.

“There’s huge network effects and economies of scale. Let’s say you have an insurance company and a utility energy company, and both have lots of claims coming in,” Bull said. “Over time, there’ll be an overlap in the claimant base, which creates network effects.”

The startup started generating profit earlier this year, and revenue has since roughly tripled, Bull said. The company is on track to making £1 million (US $1.3 million) in annual recurring revenue by mid-next year.

Explain how you’d use the funding


“We had a huge pipeline of businesses that were interested in the product, but we didn’t have the capital to go in and convert them into paying customers,” Bull said. “Now that we have the capital, we can go in and capture the revenue.”

CourtCorrect plans to expand into the US early next year.

Map out the market opportunity


“The point for this slide is twofold: The legal services market is ginormous. It’s one of the biggest markets in the world,” Bull said. 

The second point is that demand for legal tech has risen significantly, and the amount of investment being poured into the space has reached exponential growth. Bull likened the trajectory of legal tech to that of fintech.

Show how CourtCorrect differs from its competitors


Bull then maps out the competitive landscape and how CourtCorrect differs from categories of competitors.

CourtCorrect is easier to use, versatile, and can deal with a larger variety of problems because it’s “sector-agnostic,” according to Bull.

Introduce the team


As the single founder of CourtCorrect, Bull said it was important to bring in smart people to help run the startup. The team currently has 17 people, including five advisors.

Go into more funding detail


Bull then explains to investors how equity would work at the startup.

Wrap up by nailing down how the money will be used


CourtCorrect plans to triple its team by mid-next year to about 40 people, according to Bull. It also hopes to grow its customer base by tenfold.

“In a few years’ time, we want this to be the way that people interact with the law for most things,” Bull said.

End with a thank you


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