Resourcify is helping big companies manage their waste more sustainably. Check out the 10-slide pitch deck the startup used to raise a $14.9 million Series A.

Resourcify executive team

  • A German waste-management startup has just raised 14 million euros (around $14.9 million).
  • Resourcify’s software platform helps the likes of Johnson & Johnson run take-back schemes. 
  • Check out the 10-slide redacted pitch deck it used to raise the Series A funding. 

Resourcify, a circular economy and waste-management startup, has secured a 14 million euro (around $14.9 million) Series A round to help firms manage waste more efficiently.

Hamburg-based Resourcify, which was founded in 2015, has developed a software-as-a-service platform to help companies better manage their waste and take part in take-back schemes, which sees manufacturers and retailers take back products like electronics at the end of their lifecycle.

Waste management is currently complex and opaque, according to Resourcify CEO Gary Lewis. Companies have little overview of how waste is sorted after it is collected or where it ends up, he said. “If they want to change that, it’s hugely complex,” he added.

For example, a company with 1,000 stores across 10 countries would need to know the waste streams of each store and have profiles of up to 20 different waste collectors who can deal with those streams and how exactly they do so. Each country will also have different regulations, Lewis said. This complexity also makes waste-management expensive, he added.

Resourcify aims to make this cheaper and easier by digitizing the process and connecting local waste collection and recycling companies with its customers. Collections are tracked and documented for transparency. It also helps companies manage reverse-logistics take-back schemes to emphasize reuse and recycling. Here, a company would ask its customers to return packaging or technology after it has been used so that it can be re-manufactured, reused or resold, part of the concept known as the circular economy.

Resourcify primarily focuses on waste management, but is expanding into this area of re-use. 

“The circularity piece is about how we truly close the loop on products or on materials,” said Lewis. “I would hope in the future that 100% of the waste or materials that we handle are actually processed through the circularity part and not through the waste part. Ultimately, the goal is that if you pick something up, that that thing is reused, no matter what it is.”

The startup is riding political tailwinds as Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) policies, which put the responsibility of collecting and recycling goods onto manufacturers, are widened in scope. 

Lewis describes the technology as an “operating system” for waste management. The business-to-business platform is used by McDonald’s, Johnson & Johnson, and Frankfurt Airport. Resourcify claims to have processed over 500,000 tonnes of waste via the platform, which also helps companies meet their own sustainability goals. 

The round was led by Vorwerk Ventures with participation from Revent, Ananda Impact Ventures, Speedinvest, BonVenture, and WEPA Ventures. It brings the company’s total raised to 23 million euros.

Check out the 10-slide redacted pitch deck Resourcify used to raise the funds below.











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