Check out the 12-slide pitch deck an ex-Microsoft director used to raise $22 million for his security startup Portnox



  • Cybersecurity startup Portnox recently raised $22 million in a Series A funding round. 
  • The firm was cofounded by a former director of security at tech giant Microsoft. 
  • Insider got an exclusive look at the pitch deck Portnox used to bring investors on board. 

Portnox, a cybersecurity startup that was cofounded by a former Microsoft director, has raised $22 million to drive its expansion across the US.

The Israeli firm, which was founded in 2007, offers businesses a range of tools to control how and when employee devices can access their corporate networks. Portnox’s platform enables IT staff to monitor their internal network’s security, manage individual protocols, and ensure their legal compliance is up to spec. 

The firm was cofounded by serial entrepreneur Idan Kuperman, and Ofer Amitai, an ex-director of security at tech giant Microsoft.

The company’s new chief executive Denny LeCompte previously held senior roles at SolarWinds, the US information technology firm that was the subject of a cyberattack in early 2020.

“While the risks and costs associated with network breaches proliferate each year, traditional solutions do not account for the needs of mid-size companies, especially as staffing shortages, skillset gaps and budget constraints continue in today’s volatile market,” LeCompote said in a release announcing news of the Portnox funding.

LeCompte added the company had built a security solution that could “meet the needs of mid-market organizations” and that it could scale to support “increasingly distributed workforces and diverse device types.”

John Thornton, cofounder of Elsewhere Partners, will join the Portnox board alongside Nick Stoffregen, vice president at Elsewhere.

“We are at the cusp of the next era of cyber security, with the promise of an incessant barrage of more sophisticated threats across a more diverse landscape of devices and offices than ever before,” said

“Bringing solutions to organizations of all sizes, there is vast market potential for Portnox as it explores untapped markets and expands into new geographies.”

Insider got an exclusive look at the pitch deck Portnox used to bring investors on board. Check it out below: 













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